Gas powered post driver reviews
Gas powered post driver reviews

gas powered post driver reviews

The optimal time at which to carry out off-line cleaning needs to be determined by taking into account loss of income due lost power sales, cost of labour for off-line cleaning, and additional revenue arising from improved performance. Dissolved salts in the water can then be analysed. The method recommended for determining whether or not the foulants have a substantial salt base, is to soap wash the turbine and collect the water from all drainage ports available.

gas powered post driver reviews

However, a fraction of airborne salt always passes through the filter. The initial protection for the gas turbine is a good air filtration system that must be used before the air enters the turbine. The higher the pressure ratio the greater is the adverse effect of compressor fouling on thermal efficiency, as seen in the Figure 3. Fouling of the compressor reduces compressor efficiency and leads to a reduction in the overall efficiency. The effect of compressor fouling is also very important in terms of overall performance of the gas turbine since the compressor uses nearly 60% of the work generated by the gas turbine.

#Gas powered post driver reviews full#

However, on-line water washing is not the full answer since after each wash full power is not regained, therefore a time comes when the unit needs to be cleaned off-line, as seen in Figure 2. In the case of the compressor shown in Figure 1, the IGV, followed by the next three rows, have variable vanes. Typically, the compressor used in gas turbines is of the axial flow type, with variable vanes in the early stages. In many plants this operational procedure has contributed literally hundreds of thousands of dollars to the bottom line of the plant. With ever higher pressure ratios being employed in gas turbine compressors, the cleaning of compressor blades by on-line water washing becomes an increasingly important operational requirement. It turns out that plain demineralised water performs just as well as soap solutions. But what is the best cleaning agent and how often should it be done? Meherwan Boyce, Boyce Consulting Group, and Francisco Gonzalez, Cheniere LNG O&M Services, review techniques and report on the results of recent tests in the field.

gas powered post driver reviews

Compressor washing, both on-line and off-line, is vital for maintaining gas turbine performance.

Gas powered post driver reviews